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Yuria Usually Hurt Their Hearts When It Comes

Satomi Ishihara's marriage, Yui Kaki's marriage ... Men usually hurt their hearts when it comes to getting married to a beautiful woman. This young and beautiful lady is also a wife who has reached the goal with the lord who has been with her since she was a student. Many people may think, If you are aiming for a beautiful woman, you are a married woman who is no longer a partner! Your answer. Yuria, 23, smiles at a fun dinner. Recently, she wasn't treated as a woman at home, and when she invited her to a meal when she was depressed, she was in a good mood. A 23-year-old young wife, and because of this beauty, she was shocked by the change in her husband's attitude. 石原さ○みの結婚しかり、○垣結衣の結婚しかり…美女の結婚には胸を痛めてしまうのが男性の常です。こちらの若くて美人なレディも、学生のときから一緒だった殿方とゴールインされた奥さま。「美人を狙うなら相手にされなくなった人妻でしょ~!」そう思われる方が多いかもしれませんが。ご名答。楽しい会食に思わず笑みがこぼれる、ゆりあさん23歳。最近、家では女性扱いされず落ち込んでいたところを食事に誘ったらこの通り上機嫌。まだ23歳の若妻、さらにこの美貌ですから旦那の態度の変化にショック
