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Len A Mysterious Feeling Of Familiarity

Saba Saba #Large #Anego #Favorite #Nice character A very comfortable character's older sister. Though young, a mysterious feeling of familiarity! It doesn't look like tapioca (laughs) It's a neat and clean beauty, but it's different in 5 seconds. I'm licked in the world in a good way. The talk is also crazy and light. If you just want to satisfy your sexual desire, don't you need a boyfriend? It is a type that is allowed even if it is poisonous. It is a type that has a great sense of intimacy and is popular. From, Heaven is two G big breasts! !! When Kenshiro stretches her chest, the buttons on her clothes pop. A drinker as you can imagine from this feeling of dryness. I bought sake and went to the hotel. A man's ideal girl who got excited by the three major desire talks of Ku, Nell, Yal and said If you want to do it, do it and go home quickly! And I drink a lot of alcohol. Then, if you touch it lightly, the sensitivity is very good. This sudden change is too erotic サバサバ#大きめ#アネゴ#好感度#ナイスキャラめちゃ心地よいキャラクターの姉御さんです。若いのに謎の世慣れ感!タピオカとか似合わなさそうです(笑)清楚っぽい美人なのに出会って5秒で違うな、と。良い意味で世の中舐めれてます。トークもぶっちゃけで軽快。「性欲満たすだけなら彼氏いらなくない?」パワーワードです。毒舌気味でも許されるタイプですよ。親近感凄くてモテるタイプです。からの、天は二物のG巨乳!!ケンシロウがごとく胸を張ると服のボタンが弾けます。このサバサバ感からのイメージ通りの酒豪。酒を買い込みホテルへイン。「クウ、ネル、ヤル」の三大欲求トークで盛り上がり、「やりたくなったらやって、サクッと帰る」とか男の理想女子!そして、酒めっちゃ飲む。では、頂きます、と軽く触れると、めっちゃ感度良い。この豹変はエロすぎる

