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Isshiki Going Through Exploratory Conversations

#Match app #Character dark #Hotel work #Muttsuri] The character is quite dark. I'm a strange child. It's my first time meeting, so I'm a little nervous at the beginning, but it feels strange. I'm going through exploratory conversations, I like sushi, I work at a hotel, and so on. It seems that the tension rises when the camera is pointed, and it suddenly begins to dance, and it is quite an eccentric species. If you keep silent, you'll be taller, and your face will look Japanese-style and neat. Do you like being photographed? So, it's the usual one in Model Tay. It's a wai talk while drinking alcohol, but there are only strange characters and the erotic episodes are also strong. He goes out on a solo trip and tells a lot about stories that he made a pass at. It's a good girl. Although she is shy, she talks nakedly about how easy it is to feel the whole body and whether she is a Naka sect. It is a type that does not lie. It's a good girl. Apparently, I felt an erotic atmosphere, so when I kissed, I felt like I was waiting for a while. Aw? I think it's different from Tsundere, but it's something derived from Tsundere. And the style is good! I have a great body. With a body that is easy to hold as a man. In a world like a personal gym, health consciousness, or something that smells like crap, natural products with erotic bodies, erotic reactions, and humans are all right! The height difference of the moody lewdness from the dark character is quite good. #マッチアプリ#キャラ濃い#ホテル勤務#むっつり]なかなかキャラが濃いですね。普通に変な子だなぁ、と。初対面なので初めこそ緊張気味ですが、どことなく変わり者感。探り探り会話を進め、お寿司が好きです、とか、ホテルで働いてます、とか、無難すぎる会話にも妙な動きで片鱗が。カメラを向けられるとテンションが上がるみたいで、突発的に踊りだしたり、なかなかに奇行種です。黙っていれば、背も高いし、顔立ちも和風美人で清楚感あるんですけどね。撮られるのが好き?なので、モデルテイでいつものやつ。お酒を飲みながらワイ談義ですが、変キャラだけあってエロエピソードも濃い。一人旅でふらっと出かけて、ナンパされてやらかした話とか、けっこう話してくれます。良いコです。照れながらも、全身感じやすい、とか、ナカ派だとか、赤裸々に話してくれます。嘘つけないタイプです。良いコです。明らかにエロい空気感出てきたので、キスすると若干待ってた感。おやおや?ツンデレとは違う気もしますが、ツンデレ派生の何かです。そして、スタイルが良い!えっろいカラダしてます。男的にイチバン抱きやすいカラダ付き。やれパーソナルジムとか健康志向とか、胡散臭いこんな世の中で、天然物のエロいカラダ、エロい反応、人間これでいいんや!濃いキャラからのむっつりスケベの高低差、なかなかに良いものですね。

