This Project Is A New Project That Fulfills The Wishes Of Madonnas
This project is a new project that fulfills the wishes of Madonnas who are hungry for urban extracts (money and stimulation)! !! Why don't you have a business trip gala drink entertainment part-time job at the VIP hotel? (I'll inject plenty of gala cock to thank you for entertaining me w), and everyone will have fun party SEX SHOW TIME
この企画は都会のエキス(お金と刺激)に飢えているマドンナ達の願いを叶える新企画!!「VIPホテルで出張ギャラ飲みの接待バイトしませんか?(楽しませてくれたお礼にたっぷりとギャラチンポを注入してあげるからw)」と誘い出し、みんなで楽しくパーティSEXしちゃいまSHOW TIME